Clojure REPL Driven Development

Building a Toy Digital Bank with Emacs, Mount, Pedestal and Datomic - Part 4

Posted by Promesante on April 28, 2021 · 7 mins read

Going on implementing our toy digital bank, as an attempt to get hands-on experience in Clojure REPL driven development (RDD), we will now tackle its next endpoint in our implementation strategy: transaction list.

It is covered in the following PRs:

It is quite similar to the previous one: account view. The only relevant differences are some details in the data structure we device to handle data along each endpoint’s interceptor chain and introduced in part 2 of this series.


Regarding interceptor data structure depicted in part 2, the following one is an example, built by this endpoint’s interceptor chain. It is basically the same as the one shown in part 2. The only difference is the key inside :retrieved data got from the database is bound to: :txs.

  {:request {:path-params {:account-id "account-1"}}
   :query-data {:report {:id "account-1"}}
    ({:db/id 17592186045435,
      :transaction/id "trx-10",
      :transaction/amount 1000.0,
      :transaction/description "thomas' present",
      :transaction/transfer-account-id #:db{:id 17592186045419},
      :transaction/balance 10000.0}
     {:db/id 17592186045427,
      :transaction/id "trx-4",
      :transaction/amount -1000.0,
      :transaction/description "appartment rent - febr 2021",
      :transaction/balance 9000.0}
     {:db/id 17592186045422,
      :transaction/id "trx-1",
      :transaction/amount 10000.0,
      :transaction/description "first deposit",
      :transaction/balance 10000.0})}
    ({:db/id 17592186045435,
      :transaction/id "trx-10",
      :transaction/amount 1000.0,
      :transaction/description "thomas' present",
      :transaction/transfer-account-id #:db{:id 17592186045419},
      :transaction/balance 10000.0}
     {:db/id 17592186045427,
      :transaction/id "trx-4",
      :transaction/amount -1000.0,
      :transaction/description "appartment rent - febr 2021",
      :transaction/balance 9000.0}
     {:db/id 17592186045422,
      :transaction/id "trx-1",
      :transaction/amount 10000.0,
      :transaction/description "first deposit",
      :transaction/balance 10000.0})}

End-to-end Testing

Let’s switch to the branch corresponding to the last PR for this endpoint: transaction-list-e2e-testing. We show below the session for e2e testing for this endpoint:

  1. running the Datomic query
  2. invoking the endpoint, by means of response-for function from io.pedestal.test namespace, wrapped in our own util function, test-request and then wrapped in turn in transaction-list

It is basically the same as for the previous endpoint.

user> (start)
user> (c/load-database)
{:db-before datomic.db.Db@46f9a83b,
 :db-after datomic.db.Db@7403a3ef,
 [#datom[13194139534332 50 #inst "2021-05-06T09:22:22.918-00:00" 13194139534332 true] #datom[17592186045418 64 10000.0 13194139534332 true] #datom[17592186045418 64 9000.0 13194139534332 false] #datom[17592186045419 64 20000.0 13194139534332 true] #datom[17592186045419 64 19000.0 13194139534332 false] #datom[17592186045420 64 26000.0 13194139534332 true] #datom[17592186045420 64 28000.0 13194139534332 false]],
 :tempids {}}
user> (q/pull-account-by-id "account-1")
#:account{:id "account-1", :balance 10000.0}
user> (q/pull-transactions-by-account-id "account-1")
({:db/id 17592186045435,
  :transaction/id "trx-10",
  :transaction/amount 1000.0,
  :transaction/description "thomas' present",
  :transaction/transfer-account-id #:db{:id 17592186045419},
  :transaction/balance 10000.0}
 {:db/id 17592186045427,
  :transaction/id "trx-4",
  :transaction/amount -1000.0,
  :transaction/description "appartment rent - febr 2021",
  :transaction/balance 9000.0}
 {:db/id 17592186045422,
  :transaction/id "trx-1",
  :transaction/amount 10000.0,
  :transaction/description "first deposit",
  :transaction/balance 10000.0})
user> (transaction-list)
{:status 200,
 "[{\"db/id\":17592186045435,\"transaction/id\":\"trx-10\",\"transaction/amount\":1000.0,\"transaction/description\":\"thomas' present\",\"transaction/transfer-account-id\":{\"db/id\":17592186045419},\"transaction/balance\":10000.0},{\"db/id\":17592186045427,\"transaction/id\":\"trx-4\",\"transaction/amount\":-1000.0,\"transaction/description\":\"appartment rent - febr 2021\",\"transaction/balance\":9000.0},{\"db/id\":17592186045422,\"transaction/id\":\"trx-1\",\"transaction/amount\":10000.0,\"transaction/description\":\"first deposit\",\"transaction/balance\":10000.0}]",
 {"Strict-Transport-Security" "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains",
  "X-Frame-Options" "DENY",
  "X-Content-Type-Options" "nosniff",
  "X-XSS-Protection" "1; mode=block",
  "X-Download-Options" "noopen",
  "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies" "none",
  "object-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' 'strict-dynamic' https: http:;",
  "Content-Type" "application/json;charset=UTF-8"}}
user> (stop)
{:stopped ["#'accounts.web.server/server" "#'accounts.db.conn/conn"]}

Next Step

Hence, we are now ready to go on with next endpoint: transaction create.

So, let’s jump to next part !