For the development of the eCommerce platform for, Argentina’s largest home appliance retailer chain, we have fully embraced Docker. Hence, I have studied about it, mainly Karl Matthias’ excellent Docker: Up and Running.
In its chapter on “The Path to Production Containers”, Karl states:
At DockerCon EU, December 2014, Solomon Hykes, founder and CEO of dotCloud, described Apache Mesos as the gold standard for clustered containers
Of course, I began studying it, with another excellent book: Dharmesh Kakadia’s Apache Mesos Essentials. Mainly, its chapter on “Running Services on Mesos”. And then began playing with Mesosphere Marathon.
Then, I stumbled upon “optimistic concurrency”:
And about open source schedulers designed thay way, whereas Mesos currently implementing pessimistic concurrency:
I’ve begun exploring Nomad: in upcoming posts, I will share findings under way.
Till then !